Sulirium about

Hi, there! And welcome to my dungeon! Hang on a minute... that can't be right... what was it? Oh yeah... 
Welcome to my kingdom! That's better...

Sulirium who?

My name is Su Portugheis. I am Sulirium. I'm also an Image and Sound Designer. This just means my formal studies have been focused on the design of audiovisual content. Although these studies revolved mostly around movies and tv shows, Image and Sound Design can be applied to many different audiovisual products; with an understanding that experiencing these kinds of products is not mere escapism but a complex process that engages various aspects of human beings and their culture, an experience that is individual as much as it is social.

Some other details... 

I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have a degree in Image and Sound Design from the University of Buenos Aires' “Architecture, Design and Urbanism School”. I was born in London, lived there 'til I was 7, and that's where my bilingualism started, my parents being native Spanish-speakers. My Spanish accent is very much that of Buenos Aires, although for some Argentinians the way I talk is a little off... My English accent has been pretty much Americanized, but it's not a genuine American accent, so for native English speakers it's not that easy to pinpoint where I'm from. I blame the TV...